
Each Build offers in-depth insights into two topics of interest to the building and construction industry.


Feature section: Tech matters

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As with pretty much every aspect of our lives, technology is changing the construction industry for the better. It’s providing opportunities to make our cities smarter and our workers safer and transforming the methods and materials used.


Feature section: Climate change

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The changing climate will have a big impact on the built environment in terms of where we build and how we build. What can we do to mitigate the impacts and prepare for the changes?


Feature section: Modern construction methods

Build 174

Advances in technology and automation have created new methods of construction that the industry is embracing. With the increase in substantial parts of buildings coming from overseas, issues around fitness for use and compliance are causing some headaches.


Feature section: Commercial buildings

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As big-ticket items, commercial buildings lead the way in innovation. That’s translating to an emphasis on building performance, consideration of upgrading rather than demolishing and an increased focus on occupant health and wellbeing.


Feature section: Skilling the workforce

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It’s a challenging time for construction work training and skills. The government is changing the way it delivers vocational education and training, and there’s an ongoing problem with getting enough skilled workers to service the building boom.


Feature section: Canterbury today

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Canterbury and particularly Christchurch look very different today with innovative low-rise buildings incorporating the latest in seismic technology, dominating the freshly arisen city.


Feature section: Exceeding the minimum

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The message is getting out. Designing homes above the minimum requirements of the Building Code makes them better to live in, often for little extra cost. Designers and builders have a role to play helping their clients understand this.


Feature section: Building information modelling

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As a major BIM conference is held in New Zealand, it is time to increase BIM’s uptake as we move into a digitally enabled future.


Feature section: Passive fire protection

Build 171

Passive fire protection is in the spotlight after questions have been raised about Building Code compliance in existing buildings. Work at various levels aims to bring changes and improve quality.


Feature section: From towns to cities

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What makes somewhere a great place to live? This question is being asked as improving New Zealand’s urban design engages the minds of researchers, architects and planners.